Experience the full benefits of Silybin Phytosome in FANCL's Beauty Concentrate. Together with FANCL's original HTC Collagen and Chinese Ground Orchid extracts, Silybin Phytosome enhances the production of new and effectively eliminates old collagen.
This breakthrough formulation puts the bounce back in your skin by the process of enhancement and elimination, giving your skin new-found fullness and firmness.
特長成分: 水飛薊賓、紫蘭精華、桑白皮精華、三肽膠原蛋白、高分子透明質酸
使用方法: 洗臉→化妝水→『抗皺活顏精華乳』→乳液或是乳霜。按押2次的量,均勻塗抹在臉上。在嘴唇及眼睛周圍等特別乾燥的地方建議重複塗抹。