For those occasions when you anticipate overeating, Calorie Limit uses cloves, mulberry and chitosan to block your body's absorption of sugar and fat. Keep it in mind before your next high tea or wedding dinner.
While Calorie Limit will limit the number of calories your body will be able to process, it does not interfere with absorption of precious vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.
4 tablets per time
4 tablets per time
• Up to a max. of 3 servings of 4 tablets per day.
• When consumed with Calorie Limit Tea, do not exceed 3 servings per day.
*Not recommended for women who are pregnant or lactating, and children.
*Please consult doctor if undertaking medication or undergoing medical treatment before consuming the product.
澱粉質、糖分Cut – 天然成分抑制澱粉質(飯、麵、麵包等)轉化為糖分,同時阻礙糖分被分解,減少吸收。
脂肪Cut – 令食物的脂肪不易被分解,且有助排走過量脂肪,雙重作用有效阻止脂肪被吸收。