Fancl Rhythm Support (120 Tablets)(30-day Support)


Contains Vitex Extract, Soybean Isoflavone and Vitamin B6 to normalize the female hormone balance. Chamomile relieves menstrual pain and Theanine relaxes the nerves.

Daily Intake: 4 tablets per day
* Not recommended for women who are pregnant or lactating, children.
* Delay in menstruation may occur due to individual’s body constitution or condition.

- 趕走因經期而引起的肌膚粗糙,令肌膚回復柔滑
- 維持皮脂分泌正常,營造一個沒有暗瘡煩惱的肌膚環境
- 減輕經期前後的不適狀況,有助放鬆心情,令你輕鬆渡過每月煩惱天

成分:黃荊子精華、大豆異黃酮、洋甘菊精華、茶氨酸、酵母精華(含維他命 B6 )
容量:30.4g ( 253mg x 約 120 粒) -- 約 30 日分量
建議進食分量:每日 4 粒,飯後服
卡路里(以 4 粒計):2.9 kcal