Isoflavones are biologically-active, nonnutritive compounds that are present in relatively large amounts in soybean and soyfoods.
Soy isoflavones is very similar to that of our own hormone estrogen and inhibitory effects on carcinogenesis in breast and prostate, cardiovascular diseases, and may also benefit bone metabolism.
It also had biphasic effects, bone formation and bone resorption.
- 調節女性天然週期 維持骨骼健康
- 維持健康的骨質量,鞏固骨骼
- 有助調節女性的天然週期和減輕年齡轉變帶來之壓力及舒緩身體不適引起的不安
- 具強力抗氧化功效,有助改善血液運行
100%大豆異黃酮精華 (40mg)